dinsdag 6 april 2021

The end of Ca-Ira- but not of Dutch Revolutionary information


this will be the last blogpost on Ca-Ira, so thanks for all the nice remarks I have received on this blog in the past. In coming months I will put an add here if I changed information on the Alde Garde blog in regard of the French Revolution.

But, I will continue with giving info on the (Dutch) revolutionairy armies on our blog aldegarde.blogspot.com 

In coming weeks you will see ca-ira posts appear on the aldegarde blog and disappear here so I hope I will see you on the other blog




2 opmerkingen:

Ray Rousell zei

I shall look forward to re-reading your posts on the aldegarde blog. Farewell!

Alde Garde zei

Ray, thanks and see you at the Aldegardeblog