zaterdag 15 juni 2024

Wargames show at the KMK Scaleworld in Geel, Belgium

 On the 2nd of June the modellers show Scaleworld 2024 was held at Geel, Belgium. But most important for us, for the first time a group of wargamers presented their wargames.

We were there with our French Revolutionary game with underneath some pictures we took:

10 opmerkingen:

Ray Rousell zei

Great looking games

Alde Garde zei

Thanks for your kind words!

Anoniem zei

Dear Alde Garde, I see you have a regimental and colonel's flag for your Hollandse Garde (orange and white) and I wished to ask if you have this template to print somewhere for myself?

Alde Garde zei

Sorry to say but I don't have templates of the Dutch FR flags. What I have done is, that I have taken the info/painting etc i have, put them on excel files and painted them by hand on the scale I wished on paper . I have no knowledge how I can us a drawing program to make flags.

Anoniem zei

Hey hey, do you perhaps have a copy of your hand-drawn Dutch FR flags, I'm looking to use them myself but I just cant seem to get proper ones.

Alde Garde zei

Ik can send what I have but need a mailadres. please sent to jabru1 at

Anoniem zei

Thank you very much, you can send it to

Anoniem zei

Hello there, the email you've given me does not work

Anoniem zei

Thank you very much, you can send it to

Alde Garde zei

jabru1 at should be read as . Just back from a weekend out so will answer your question soon.