maandag 25 december 2023

Ca-Ira will be alive again.

Just a short notice that I will add new posts to ca-ira in the coming period. Some how I missed this specific period blog!

I will copy French Revolutionary blog posts which I put on the Alde Garde blog over to this Ca-Ira blog.
Also I will try to put the information of the Dutch army in the French Revolutionary period that was on the now non-functional Alde Garde site on this blog.

And of course, information on books, miniatures etc which are on the blog will be updated.

Hope you enjoy.

And let me know what you miss or which information about the Dutch army of this period you want to see.

And: a great 2024 to all readers!!

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Glad you’re back. My 1793 project has been plugging along largely due to your inspiration.

Alde Garde zei

thanks for your kind words.
I hope i will be able to put new information on the Ca-ira blog.

When you have a question, please don't hesitate and let me know
