zondag 14 december 2014

Alde garde and Ca-Ira

As you maybe know, our "the Aldegarde website" was hacked and almost all information damaged.

We are now rebuilding the site and add some more information (we are busy with information about the 1792-1795 and 1795-1806 -batavian republic period) but this will need some time.

Please take a look at the new site  www.aldegarde.nl  (you notice that you will be redirected to  weebly ).

We also will put under the section Wargaming of the Alde Garde site, some older information of the Ca-Ira blog and will use Ca-ira only to publish new info.
In some weeks you will see the result.
Also seperate pages of this blog will give info about books and figures of the French Revolution period.

We will gladly give more info about the site and its content so please let me know

Geen opmerkingen: